I wonder why quit the literature club right after I had joined she and. And Eric I follow Monica outside of the classroom and into the hallway she looks back and smiles at me before continuing towards the teachers offices because we continued for, a while – Monica suddenly stops and attracts regrets that's my name by the way, because that's what I'm totally feeling right now Monica you need, to quit the literature Club she never told us that before she wanted our bumbum to stay there forever and always guys she did but now she doesn't.
I think all the girls not just Yuri it's gonna be yeah and dairy so very interesting stuff here that, the personalities will be changed because of our actions changing the files and whatnot so yeah we're gonna get straight into this here apparently the beginning is kind of, the same until we get nearer to the end of the day, so we're just gonna skip all that boring you know repetitive trash that we see before and see the girls turn Y. To lifter Club but because we changed the files doki-doki ya, and dairy club so as you could tell from what the heck this tokidoki game is cooled yeah. Cool right there guys what could honestly and possibly go wrong if I decide to do something like this I mean having more than one Yan dairy or making things fun so that's, what we're gonna do here guys we're gonna change all the girls into y and eres suave guys buyers here welcome.